
Astronomy Website Excited To Get Visitors From Users Who Misspelled Astrology

Courtesy of Pexels / Lucas Pezeta
Courtesy of Pexels / Lucas Pezeta

BOISE, IDAHO — YourDailyAstronomy is excited to get some web hits, all thanks to people confusing “astronomy,” a science about celestial objects and the wider universe, with “astrology” a pseudoscience about celestial objects and the wider universe.

CEO of the not traditionally popular website, Riyah Shah, was thankful for lack of grammatical prowess among the younger generation, and for popular search engines in redirecting users to his site.

“They stopped teaching cursive and apparently the ability to proofread properly,” said Shah, whose livelihood now depends on autocorrect.

YourDailyAstronomy is leaving an impression with visitors.

The website is now getting some follow-up hits from those of whom that accidentally stumbled onto the site.

Jung Kim, an influencer in the hand modeling game, was one of those recent visitors.

“It’s Gemini season, and my horoscope told me to try new things. So I just got circumcised! And I decided to, you know, explore this astronomy thing a little more.”

When asked about the future of his website, Shah explained his interest in diversifying the site’s content to cater to this new audience.

“I think I should add a section on astrology. It’ll help get people to stay online with us a little longer. Something like, ‘Scorpios: You should be careful of meeting new people, and definitely donate $10 to YourDailyAstronomy’s Patreon account.”

A possible Youtube Channel in the works as well, with an impending collaboration with David Dobrick and Jeffrey Star.

“I reached out to the big-name YouTubers. They haven’t replied back yet, but we’re really only a wrongly spelled word away to reaching a wider audience,” said Shah.

What is happening for YourDailyAstronomy is not necessarily unique, several other companies have seen their online presence boosted for similar reasons.

An analogous phenomenon was found for BigBlackClocks, a site dedicated to the love of time-pieces.


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Courtesy of Pixaby / Tumisu

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