
In-Person Classes Next Semester Get Cancelled By Twitter


PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA — Allegations against in-person classes have been dominating Twitter, making #classescancelled the top trending hashtag. Twitter user @hanging_with_my_gnomies created the hashtag to help others feel more comfortable telling their tale about how in-person classes have wronged them. @hanging_with_my_gnomies claims that in-person classes have been extorting him, along with 16 million other college students nationwide.

The claim was initially met with backlash, but @hanging_with_my_gnomies clapped back with receipts. Alongside a screenshot of his tuition bill, he writes: “55k in tuition, 20k in room and board, and 4 years down the drain.” He continues to show additional charges such as a printing fee, laundry fee, and other fees that should be covered by the other 75k spent to attend. Many of the readers were aghast. 

@bild0_swaggins added to the claim that the conditions of in-person classes were hazardous. His uploaded picture of a papercut he got while taking a lab safety test, further catapulted the hashtag to its popularity. Another integral post to the hashtag’s success was made by @shaquille.oatmeal, who told the chilling tale of how his mental health was impacted when a professor called on him instead of the student actually raising their hand. The public wanted answers from in-person classes to explain its dastardly deeds. However, it copped out by sending its publicist to answer for it instead, citing that in-person classes could not comment itself, due to its inanimate nature.

With all the bad press surrounding in-person classes, they have been confirmed to be cancelled next semester. As @herpes_free_since_03 said it best, “Silence is complicity. We must be on the right side of history. To those who aren’t for cancelling in-person class, feel free to unfollow me on TikTok.”

This article was written by J.L 


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