
Brave STEM Student Refuses to Change Major to Business

Courtesy of Pexels / LinkedIn Sales Navigator
Courtesy of Pexels / LinkedIn Sales Navigator

CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS — Victor Smith is a Sophomore Biomedical Engineering (BME) major at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

He has been under immense pressure, from both his engineering classes and mother, to change majors.

For his mental health and dating prospects, Victor has been considering moving away from engineering.

But Victor wants to tough it out because he’s not a quitter. Also, because his future salary is going to be pretty sweet.

Professor Thelma Estrin, the head of the Biomedical Engineering Department, is glad to see students like Victor continuing to be BME.

“It warms my heart to see students persevere through this difficult academic track. We, as faculty and administration, could make it easier without diluting the quality of education. Where’s the fun in that, though?” said Professor Estrin.

Ioannis Yannas is a former BME that transitioned into the business school. He is glad that the switch and is encouraging former classmates to take the leap:

“People think BME stands for Biomedical Engineering major, but it really means business major eventually! HAHA Seriously, though, it is really nice to be able to sleep more than 4 minutes a night.”

Victor is now exploring the option of selecting a minor. The goal is to pick something to show future employers that he can add value to their corporate bottom-line and be fun!

“I really want to demonstrate that I can contribute fiscally while having deep conversations with employees by the office water cooler. But not too many conversations, because I work the 9-5 for my employer’s benefit. Not to support my own dreams and ambitions.”

Josh Michaels is a counselor for career services at MIT. He emphasized that BME, by itself, is attractive in the labor market.

“BMEs, and engineers in general, do really well. Unless you’re a Civil Engineer. Good luck living with your parents.”


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