
All Adjunct Professor Wants For Birthday Is A Liveable Wage

Courtesy of Pexels / Fauxels
Courtesy of Pexels / Fauxels

LUBBOCK, TEXAS — Dr.Iam Pour is an adjunct at Texas Tech University in their Chemistry Department. After graduating with his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry last year, he wants to make this next birthday a memorable one.

Dr.Pour’s best friend, Wen Tolaw, is trying to organize the party.

“Iam decided to pursue his Ph.D. immediately after undergrad, I haven’t seen him since. Now that he just finished after all these years, I’m excited to celebrate his 80th birthday this week.”

Dr.Pour underscored how much he appreciated studying chemistry and how it provided him with the ability to pursue his dream of being a lecturer:

“I love teaching chemistry and hearing my students get excited about the material. I was discussing the states of matter recently, and a kid in the front chimed in, “you forgot about plasma” And I thought, “how did I forget plasma? I literally sell it so I can afford my apartment.”

Nota Pour, Iam’s wife, is happy for her husband for sticking it out.

“You have to respect Iam for wasting, I mean giving, a significant part of your life getting a degree with little portability to fields outside of academia. My mother says that a real man would have majored in Biochemistry. But I appreciate his choices, even though running water would be nice.”

At Dr.Pour’s birthday party, the man of the hour decided to open things up with a joke:

“What does an adjunct making a liveable wage, getting an A in organic chemistry, and a competent Teaching Assistant have in common? They don’t exist!”

After the festivities ended, Tolaw made sure to email everyone who attended a GoFundMe link in support of the adjunct. All gifts are tax-deductible.

Some of Dr.Pour’s students are also helping the cause by having a bake sale so he can finally afford to get guac on his Chipotle.


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