
“Happiest Moment of My Life” Recounts Man Who Barely Passed Organic Chemistry This Semester

Courtesy of Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio
Courtesy of Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio

ST.LOUIS, MISSOURI — Dreams do come true, at least it did recently for Fritz Haber.

Fritz is a Sophomore at the Washington University in St. Louis and is hoping to be involved in the medical field one day (as a neurosurgeon, but his standards are dropping with every semester).

After a particularly difficult semester of Organic Chemistry I, and an especially nauseous final exam, Fritz was worried about the possibility of failing, then needing to retake the class.

“Honestly, I think I would have changed my major if I needed to redo ochem. I was literally one bad grade away from being an ecology major. Yikes.”

However, a generous curve for the course saved the final grade and future career of Fritz.

Professor Dorthy Hodgkin, who teaches the class, is excited that more than a fourth of the course passed this year.

“It’s impressive, really shows the progress we’ve made as an institution. One day I think we’ll have a majority of the students in Organic Chemistry passing. Not soon, though,” said Professor Hodgkin.

Fritz has big plans to celebrate.

“It was the happiest moment of my life when I got the notification that I barely passed. I think I’m going to go do some medical school tours. Maybe, Harvard Medical school? I want to keep the options open.”

Lauren Haber, his mother, is also elated.

“When my son called me after his midterm, he cried for 4 hours on the phone. At that moment, I wished my husband’s pull-out game was a bit stronger.”

Mrs.Haber continued: “Now that he’s passed, maybe he’ll stop calling me every day and find some friends on campus other than his TA.”

Ahmed Zewail, the Graduate Teaching Assistant for Organic Chemistry I, is hoping for a change as well.

“I’m scared to tell anyone about my office hours because I know Fritz will be there. I need that alone time to watch Naruto, not provide my students with emotional support.”


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