
One Out of 10 Dentists Refuses To Sell Out To Big Toothpaste

Courtesy of Pixabay / Free-Photos
Courtesy of Pixabay / Free-Photos

ATLANTA, GEORGIA — Dr. Shuan Murphe was approached by a major toothpaste brand to get his approval for their new product.

After securing the recommendation of 9 other dentists, the brand had hoped that Dr.Murphe could be persuaded to become the 10th for the business to gain the coveted “10 out of 10 dentists approved” seal.

But the honest dentist had his own plans and refused to give in to the company’s demands.

“I am going to stick with my principles and refuse to sell out, unlike a Biomedical engineer who switches his major to business,” said Dr.Murphe.

The CEO of the brand in question, Coal Gayte, is frustrated by the dentist standing his ground.

“The Good Doctor has his views, but they’re wrong. We’re to a toothpaste like Purdue Pharma is to the opioid epidemic. The consumers, and 90% of dentists, recognize this.”

Jim Warren is a househusband and primary buyer of toothpaste/hygiene products for his family. When asked if not getting unanimous approval from all dentists was a dealbreaker, Jim expressed some concerns.

“10/10 sounds better. Like winning the popular vote in a presidential election,” said Mr.Warren.

His wife Elisabeth, a dental surgeon, agreed: 

“You want to bring everyone on board, get every voice. I’ve realized that the systems around us are rigged to benefit the ruling class, the gilded elite have kept their grip on society through nefarious means. 

Only through widespread and pervasive reform can you change the underlying power dynamics that diminish the longevity of democracy. This is why you should floss every day.”

Dr.Murphe believes the tide is turning with his lone dissent, with many hailing him as the Ruth Bader Ginsburg of dentistry and a role model for the field.

“I heard that the toothpaste brand in question decided to reach out to another 10 dentists, and there was another person who refused to recommend it. 

I’m glad to inspire people the way Beyoncé has inspired me.”


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